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Privacy & Conditions

On this page, we have set out the standard Conditions of Use and Our Privacy Policy that apply to all users of our website.  "We" and "our" mean "Events 4 You Limited”.  By viewing and continuing to use this website, you are deemed to have agreed to this Policy.  These Conditions of Use and Privacy are operational from 1 September 2014.

Condition of Use

(1) New Zealand Law Applies.  This is a New Zealand-administered website for use in New Zealand's legal jurisdiction. Therefore the laws of New Zealand apply and the New Zealand courts have jurisdiction in relation to any matter arising in connection with this website.
(2) Suitability Disclaimer.  While all care has been taken to ensure that information and statements published on this website are accurate and reasonable, the information is general in nature and therefore may not be suitable for you.  For that reason we give no warranties as to the accuracy, suitability or fitness for any purpose of the information contained on this website.
(3) Changes to Content and Conditions of Use.  We may from time to time:
(a) change, delete or substitute any of the information published on this website at any time without notice; and
(b) change our Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy at any time by notifying users of the revised terms and conditions through this website.  When you return to this website, you will be bound by the changed Conditions of Use.
(4) Copyright and Using Material from this Website.  Unless we have indicated otherwise or images or other items are in the public domain, the contents of this website are the copyright of Events 4 You Limited or suppliers to us or to related or affiliated legal entities, and all rights are reserved.  You may print pages or extracts from this website, or download them to your computer or device, but only for your own personal use and not for any commercial purpose. You are not otherwise permitted to copy, store, transmit or reproduce this website without our prior written consent.
(5) Links to/from Third Party Websites and Framing.  This website may from time to time include links to third party websites provided for your interest. We reserve the right to authorise and prohibit links to this website. If you have entered this website from a link from another website, or use a link to another website, we do not endorse that other website and do not accept any responsibility to you or any other person for the contents of that website. We do not permit you to frame any part of this website by including advertising or any other material. Links within this site to other websites are not covered by these Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
 (6) Use of email. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any messages transmitted between you and us via email as these are potentially accessible by the public. We will not be liable to you or anyone else for any loss in connection with any email message sent by you to us or by us to you.

Our Privacy Policy

If you submit personal information to us, Events 4 You Limited, then you acknowledge and agree to our Privacy Policy below.
(1) Right to Access.  If you are an individual who has provided personal information to us, the Privacy Act 1993 gives you the right to access that personal information and to correct it at any time.
(2) Purpose of Collecting Information.  We collect personal information and other details collected from you so that we can provide you with:
(a) information and services related to your question or request;
(b) marketing, publicity, promotional material or surveys relating to the specific event or similar events

(3) Release of information. Your personal information and other details will not be passed to any third party unless:
(a) You have consented to our doing so; or
(b) We are required to do so by law.
(4) Cookies. This website may use cookie files ("cookies") to collect information that helps to measure traffic to and within this website for monitoring the effectiveness of the website and levels of interest in the information provided.  Cookies may identify such things as your computer's or device's IP address, its operating system, browser type, and domain.  You can turn off your acceptance of cookies in your browser program, if you wish.
(5) Contact.  If you have any questions or concerns about this website or anything on this page or if you require permission to use copyright material from this website, please contact Events 4 You LImited through the Contacts page on this website.


Tel: +64 27 562 5949

PO Box 7168, Dunedin, Otago 9040, New Zealand

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